Our Reasons WHY... and Yours
Essentially we do this pilgrimage because it is a call... really a "call within a call." God has formed Kristi and my particular lives around A) prioritizing the interior life, and B) prioritizing our marriage and family. And now He has asked that we form others also, in developing their interior lives and in preparing for and prioritizing their own "walks of life" (vocations). Our studies, our formation, our story together... all have prepared us particularly to offer the unique guidance and witness that this pilgrimage makes available.
This is why we lead pilgrimages... but your question is why YOU would go. This pilgrimage offers something very distinct (and honestly lacking) among the options available for young Catholics today. While there is lots of intellectual formation available for Catholics, often they are wanting more spiritual formation and depth - which is a major focus of our pilgrimage. But most especially unique about this pilgrimage is that it provides the intentional time, space, and focus for young Catholics to practically discern the "walks of life" (vocations) through daily: prayer, teachings, and vocational experiences (with priests, religious, consecrated, and a family).
If you are interested in this pilgrimage, we want to hear from you. We also ask that you pray about it intentionally and remain attentive to any clarity or peace you receive. Certainly God is always calling you to Himself... Maybe He is calling you to Himself in Rome this May.
This is why we lead pilgrimages... but your question is why YOU would go. This pilgrimage offers something very distinct (and honestly lacking) among the options available for young Catholics today. While there is lots of intellectual formation available for Catholics, often they are wanting more spiritual formation and depth - which is a major focus of our pilgrimage. But most especially unique about this pilgrimage is that it provides the intentional time, space, and focus for young Catholics to practically discern the "walks of life" (vocations) through daily: prayer, teachings, and vocational experiences (with priests, religious, consecrated, and a family).
If you are interested in this pilgrimage, we want to hear from you. We also ask that you pray about it intentionally and remain attentive to any clarity or peace you receive. Certainly God is always calling you to Himself... Maybe He is calling you to Himself in Rome this May.