Is this Pilgrimage RIGHT FOR YOU?
This pilgrimage is designed for 21-30 year olds Catholics who are seeking and preparing to follow Christ in one of the particular "walks of life": Marriage, priesthood, religious life, etc. Please consider this with prayer open to God's will... be assured of our prayers too.
Mike and Kristi Dennihan are the founders of Followings. They form, write, and teach on subjects of Catholic spirituality, Scripture, marriage and family life, sexuality and natural family planning. Mike and Kristi met at the University of Kansas. Mike then received his Masters in Sacred Scripture from the Augustine Institute (Denver), and Kristi received her Masters in Marriage and Family Studies from the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family Studies (Rome) while living in Rome as a resident. The Dennihans are also founders of and instructors at School of Love, a marriage and family formation organization and a Public Association of the Christian Faithful based in Kansas City. They have both received intense spiritual formation from the Apostles of the Interior Life for over a decade and are lay members of their "Family". Mike and Kristi have been married for eleven years and live in Kansas City with their three children. They will be leading the pilgrimage... and will be joined by their three children (for good measure!).
Fr. Vince Huber AVI (middle) is a priest of the Apostles of the Interior Life. He has received his Licentiate Degree in Marriage & Family Studies from the John Paul II Institute for Marriage & Family Studies (Rome). After being in Rome for nine years as a student and a priest, he now does ministry in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. The ministry of the AVI brothers consists in taking care of the human and the spiritual formation of others. Thus they offer the service of spiritual direction and evangelization full time wherever they find people available to receive it. They carry out their mission both in public and private university chaplaincies both in the US and in Italy; they preach spiritual exercises, offer parish missions, guide retreats, hold conferences on topics of faith and morality, help young people in vocational discernment and marriage preparation. They also work with the organizations Focus, School of Love, and Followings. In order to carry out such a ministry, they are formed through an intense daily prayer life, strong community life, studies in philosophy and theology at the Lateran University (Rome), and through the practice of apostolate. The brothers all live in Rome or lived there during their years of formation. Fr. Vince Huber (middle) will be leading the pilgrimage as well as offering Mass, spiritual direction, and Confession.