Overview of WHAT We Do
We call this a "half pilgrimage, half couple's getaway". We know that couples and families today have lots on the calendar. So in the (way too little) time that's open in the schedule, you spouses often have to pick between time away together or time away for a bit of a retreat or relaxation. Well, no more! This pilgrimage is designed so you can take intentional time growing together and intentional time growing with God. Every day there is specially designed pilgrimage time together and also specially designed couple's time alone. There's is not another pilgrimage like this that we have ever seen!
As for the pilgrimage part... This is specially designed to be a pilgrimage and getaway, not a tour. Everything we'll do is designed to help you foster your faith and love for God, and your love for your spouse. Every day as a group we'll have time for prayer, Mass, and specially guided tours and reflections at specially chosen (even private) sites with special significance for marriage and family.
As for the getaway part... Every day you'll have time alone just with your spouse. Some of this time is designed to be wide open so you can take a date, have a special outing, or go back to the hotel to rest or just to have time to be together. (It's during these open times that the pilgrimage leaders will be offering some optional tours at museums, churches, and historical sites for couples who want to stay on the go.) Some of the couple's time is already set up for you. We'll make it easy for you. You'll have a great dinner date out already set up for you (and already included in price). You'll have a picnic in Rome's biggest park with an awesome view. You'll have lunch in Rome's cutest outdoor market. And on and on...
But it's not all just pilgrimage and getaway. Beyond these, we will see all the major sites of Rome and many lesser known ones. (Pilgrimage leaders are either current or former residents of Rome.) We'll enjoy the great art, history, food, coffee, and wine. Pilgrims will have plenty of free time to explore, pray, tour, shop, etc. Then at night, all willing pilgrims can wind down (actually wine down) in the bar or on the roof at our Roman digs.
As for the pilgrimage part... This is specially designed to be a pilgrimage and getaway, not a tour. Everything we'll do is designed to help you foster your faith and love for God, and your love for your spouse. Every day as a group we'll have time for prayer, Mass, and specially guided tours and reflections at specially chosen (even private) sites with special significance for marriage and family.
As for the getaway part... Every day you'll have time alone just with your spouse. Some of this time is designed to be wide open so you can take a date, have a special outing, or go back to the hotel to rest or just to have time to be together. (It's during these open times that the pilgrimage leaders will be offering some optional tours at museums, churches, and historical sites for couples who want to stay on the go.) Some of the couple's time is already set up for you. We'll make it easy for you. You'll have a great dinner date out already set up for you (and already included in price). You'll have a picnic in Rome's biggest park with an awesome view. You'll have lunch in Rome's cutest outdoor market. And on and on...
But it's not all just pilgrimage and getaway. Beyond these, we will see all the major sites of Rome and many lesser known ones. (Pilgrimage leaders are either current or former residents of Rome.) We'll enjoy the great art, history, food, coffee, and wine. Pilgrims will have plenty of free time to explore, pray, tour, shop, etc. Then at night, all willing pilgrims can wind down (actually wine down) in the bar or on the roof at our Roman digs.